• they don’t, they don’t speak for us…

    Seth Godin (via Domino Project): Piracy? You Wish. Great reminder it’s the ideas and the art that matter, not the sales. Also from Godin: Tracts, Manifestos and Books.

    Jen Lemen: How to be Happy (Part 6).

    Bread for the World: Congress Wants Your Church to Spend $50,000 (via Fred Clark). While I sort of “get” the attempt to argue that feeding the hungry should be the work of the churches, it conveniently seems to forget that many of the church pantries I know are already stretched pretty thin even as donor generosity has increased, and it is VERY unlikely that people will turn their personal tax savings into charitable contributions (certainly not at a 1:1 ratio). It also fails to acknowledge the economics of scale – government programs can simply get much more value for each dollar, rather than a bunch of different churches working independently.

    I’m pretty sure that when Jesus said to “pray for those who harass you” (Matthew 5:44), this is NOT what he meant. (also via Fred Clark)

    Mark Engler: Tax Day Doesn’t Belong to the Tea Party Anymore.

    My main focus this past week has been the General Conference of the United Methodist Church. Some of the key posts that have caught my eye:

    Andrew Conrad developed a #gc2012 Twitter Word Cloud Project.

    From Dan Dick: April 25 Reflections; Same Language, Different Meanings; Specific Conference; Value-Addled; and Safety in Numbness.

    Rev. Momma on Guaranteed Appointments. (I’m hoping to get a post with my own thoughts on this soon).

    Lovett Weems: The Tussle Over Metrics.

    And while this post on God’s Different Kind of Arithmetic wasn’t necessarily General Conference related, it certainly fits some of the main concerns and themes of the week.

    Found myself in the mood to listen, once again to the amazing Radiohead album OK Computer this morning…

  • On the blogs and in my brain…

    Fred Clark on Evangelical TribalismDe-legitimizing Christians Outside the Evangelical Tribe, and Kirk Cameron, Tim Tebow and Contemporary Christian Tribalism.

    Semi-related: Derek Webb on The Marketing of Jesus.

    My friend Sherry Parker is at the United Methodist General Conference, and she promises updates from the conference on her blog; UMC peeps should check it out. Other General Conference bloggers to check out include:
    Becca Clark
    Dan Dick
    and the Methoblog which will gather together a number of different news reports, blog posts and highlights.

    Seth Godin (via the Domino Project), reminds of just a few of the people who were Self Published.

    Lifehacker: DIY Natural Garden Pesticides.

    Jeff Goins: One Sure Sign You’re a Professional.

    Andrew Sullivan: Christianity in Crisis.

    Nerd Porn: Tiny Printer Projects.

    Good Magazine: Spring Cleaning – Get a Green Thumb.

    Geek Dad: 67 Books Every Geek Should Read to Their Kids Before Age 10.

    Also from Wired/Geek Dad: An Adventure in Cable Cutting. I’m moving in this direction, I just need to find a good way to install an attic antenna and run a few feet of co-ax into the family room.

    Britni Danielle: Why I’m Proud to be Part of ‘Generation Job-Hop’.

    Music from the Soweto Gospel Choir (via NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts):

  • I don’t need answers, I just need you…

    33 Animals Who Are Extremely Disappointed in You.

    Barry Hill, Jr.: What I Learned About To-Do Lists From My 8 Year Old Son. (via Michael Hyatt’s blog)

    Becca Clark: What’s Wrong With This Picture? Some more interesting thoughts on the Call to Action. I suspect is it a little unfair picking apart a picture when we don’t know the full context, but I think Becca continues to raise important questions around the Call to Action. Also from Becca: Diary of a Delegate: in Opposition to Disaffiliation.

    Love this quote from Virgilio Elizondo (via Inward/Outward):

    “Protest without fiesta is empty.”

    From the Church Marketing Sucks blog: Steve Jobs – Church Communication Hero.

    Shawn Lovejoy: Why I Resigned (And You Should Too).

    Is your computer desktop feeling a little stale? Check out these wallpapers (via Lifehacker).

    Busting Bike Myths. All of them are good, the helmet one is a particular pet peeve of my, and one I was keenly aware of last week on a ride when I saw a number of children and adults without helmets. I fear my upcoming mid-life crisis could turn into a crusade to get helmets on every Clarkston-area cyclist.

    Related: Want to bike from Detroit to Windsor? Good luck; a 2 mile trip turns into 127 when you burn fat and not gas.

    Jordon Cooper: Treat Employees Well & Make Money.

    FastCompany: Generation Flux – Adapting to Succeed in the New Economy and Unlimited Vacation Boosts Productivity. I especially like that second article; within the life of the church I think we try to emulate the administrative and managerial aspects of secular business sometimes to our detriment, when a measure of simple trust and grace might simply work better. (At the same time I know that especially within the church some employees abuse the language of grace and lack of accountability so that even the basic elements of the job don’t get done, without any consequences to the individual’s bad behavior). 

    Big bird with big teeth?

    Texts from Dog. Some language and subject matter that might be offensive to some, but I still think it’s pretty funny.

    Matthew Paul Turner looks at a video by Bob Larson and raises questions about demonic possession. I used to listen to Bob Larson on the radio as a kid; had no idea he was even still around doing this sort of thing.

    New music this week from The Welcome Wagon. Vito serves Resurrection Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, NY, but he is originally from Tecumseh, MI. The new album comes out in June. If you like what you hear, you can download a copy of this track for free here.

    The Welcome Wagon- Would You Come and See Me in New York from Asthmatic Kitty on Vimeo.

  • We almost lost Detroit…

    On the blogs and in my brain this week…

    I try not to get too “political” but this is an important read: The Supreme Court orders a 5-4 decision on where to order lunch (I’ll have to side with Justice Scalia on this one).

    Dan Dick reviews George Hunter’s book,The Recovery of a Contagious Methodist Movement (Amazon affiliate link), giving it very high marks. I haven’t had the chance (or the money) to check out the “recommended” books for this year’s General Conference, but it sounds like this is one to get.

    Stop Throwing Starfish.

    Donald Miller: How to Know if You Are a Controlling Person. Also from Miller: Want to Do Meaningful Work? Keep Reading. Literally.

    April 1 Fun: Google Voice for Pets; Seth Godin fights for restrictive control of intellectual property by trademarking the terms “Purple” and “Cow”; and Rachel Held Evans offers an incredible news round up, including the fact that Rob Bell’s Lasik Surgery Will Cost Christian Hipsters Millions.

    Lifehacker: Get Your Bike in Shape for Spring. I splurged for a real tune-up at a local bike shop just because it has been 15 years since any professional has touched it, but this guide will be a helpful place to start for basic maintenance.

    Jeremy Smith: No Southern Church Left Behind interesting analysis of the potential geographic bias that surrounds the support of Call to Action in the United Methodist Church.

    Fred Clark: Friday the 13th – A Ghost Story. Oh, how I wish this were true, the idea of the ghost of Frederick Douglas haunting racists, preaching, and kicking butt is an awesome movie begging to be made.

    When I worked overnights as a radio DJ, I could pretty easily get lost in just studying the weather radar feed, especially when I storm was coming in. This real time wind map feeds that same weather nerdiness.

    The New Red Scare: Why Muslims Aren’t Republican Anymore. Fascinating article that talks about how in the 2000 Presidential Election 78% of Muslims supported Republicans because of their emphasis on moral values, fiscal conservatism, and “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality, but since then support has dropped to 11%. In order to satisfy one political base they’ve alienated another who were sympathetic to their basic values.

    The Atlantic: How Copyright Makes Books Disappear. Here’s where intellectual property law is “broken”- it creates an undeniable gap in access to creative work. Want to find a new book originally published before 1910 – no problem. Want to find a new book originally published between 1920 and 1980 – good luck.

    My inner 14-year-old self rejoices: There is a Kickstarter campaign to revive Leisure Suit Larry.

    Music this week from Detroit’s own Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. – “We Almost Lost Detroit”:

  • Sermon: Palm Sunday/April 1, 2012

    “Journey to Hope: Celebration and Sorrow”
    Mark 11:1-11
    Michael Mayo-Moyle
    Byron First United Methodist Church
    April 1, 2012
                One Sunday a pastor told his congregation that the church needed some extra money and asked the people to prayerfully consider giving a little extra in the offering plate. He said that whoever gave the most would be able to pick out three hymns.
    After the offering plates were passed, the pastor glanced down and noticed that someone had placed 3 $100 bills in offering. He was so excited that he immediately shared his joy with his congregation and said he’d like to personally thank the person who placed the money in the plate.
    A very quiet, elderly, saintly lady all the way in the back shyly raised her hand. The pastor asked her to come to the front. Slowly she made her way to the pastor. He told her how wonderful it was that she gave so much and in thanksgiving asked her to pick out three hymns.
    Her eyes brightened as she looked over the congregation, pointed to the three best looking men in the building and said, “I’ll take him and him and him.”
    Today is sort of a strange Sunday in the life of the church where one major religious day, Palm Sunday, falls on a significant secular one, April Fool’s Day. What I didn’t realize until this week is that the celebration of April Fool’s is almost as old as Palm Sunday, and possibly even older. There is a tradition in ancient Persian history of a day devoted to pranks and jokes celebrated around this time of year that dates back to 536 B.C. In Rome, they celebrated the festival day of Halaria – a day of laughter and joy – on March 25, and in the book Canterbury Tales, which dates back to the 1300s, there is a possible reference to April Fool’s day, and there are fake tickets inviting people to come and see the “washing of the Lions” at the Tower of London that date back to April 1, 1686.
    And while a couple months ago I had no plans to even refer to this being April Fool’s Day – my plan was to keep this day “dignified” and “serious” since it is the beginning of Holy Week, by the end of this past week I’ve come to realize that there is no real way to avoid it. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 4:10, “we are fools for the sake of Christ,” and as Christians I think it is good to embrace that foolishness.
    I’ve never been one who has really gotten into April Fool’s Day – I’ve never been one who got into putting salt into the sugar bowl, or Saran Wrap on the toilet, and most of the time I’m not even that good at remembering jokes… but I think there is something important, maybe even holy in laughter. Because, humor, when it is done well has the ability to speak truth to power, in ways that sometimes aren’t always possible directly; it also has the ability to humble us, remind us that we aren’t perfect, and helps us acknowledge our faulty assumptions and the mistakes we make. Humor, at it’s very best, is about challenging our expectations and the very way we see the world around us.
    And, really, I think that is what is happening in today’s Scripture. Think about what really in happening here. First, Jesus tells two disciples to go into a village and ‘borrow’ a colt that has never been ridden, and in case anyone questions why they are taking the animal, all they need to say is, “The master needs it, and he will send it back right away.”
    Think about that for a moment. As Leonard Sweet notes, “Borrowing” a valuable animal, a pristine, unbroken young colt, was frowned upon and punished in first century Palestine as seriously as horse-thieving was in the Old West. If you were in the disciples’ position, even if you knew and loved Jesus and had seen the miracles, how would you react if he told you to go into town – you’ll find a 2012 Ford Mustang there with the keys in the ignition, bring it to me and if anyone asks just say, “The Master needs it.” Would you do it, or would you think, maybe just a little, that this sounds like a crazy request – would you expect Jesus to say, “Just kidding!” or “April Fool!”
    It seems unbelievable, but the disciples do as Jesus requests – they go into town, find the colt, are questioned by some people, offer their explanation, and bring the colt to Jesus.
    Then listen to what happens next. Verses 7 and 8 say, “They brought the colt to Jesus and threw their clothes upon it, and he sat upon it. Many people spread out their clothes on the road while others spread branches cut from the fields.”
    Now often we think of this act of people removing their cloaks as a sign of honor and respect, which is it. But think of what is happening in a more practical and person sense – these people are removing their outer garments of clothing to welcome Jesus. Listen to how Leonard Sweet explains it. He says, “To remove one’s cloak in public was a more revealing, humbling action than simply taking off a coat. A cloak, whether fine or simple, revealed much about one’s social status and wealth. Among the poor a cloak was a daytime garment and a nighttime bedroll.” In Exodus 22 it talks about a person’s cloak as being acceptable collateral for a loan. So a cloak is valuable, it protects, it tells who we are, and for people to remove their cloaks when Jesus comes into Jerusalem is probably a much bigger deal than we realize. This didn’t leave the people naked, but close to it. Going back to Sweet, he says, “The garments worn under one’s cloak were simple and unadorned, skimpy even. In effect those who spread their cloaks on the road before Jesus were more or less standing around in their underwear.”
    Do you get what’s happening here? It’s almost a reversal of that old story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” – the people welcome Jesus by taking off their symbols of status and wealth, and come close to “bearing it all” – being completely vulnerable, standing outside in their underwear, to honor him. It seems so foolish, but at the same time it is so beautiful. Such a powerful witness to who Jesus was, and is, when you really stop to consider it.
    Today when a politician or church leader comes into town we’re more likely to complain about how they are stealing the shirts off our backs through taxes and apportionments and policies we don’t like; only a crazy person would actually take their sweater or shirt off and stand around in their underwear to welcome someone like that. But with Jesus, maybe it’s different. Maybe we need to be a little crazy, maybe we need to be a little vulnerable to welcome him into our lives. Maybe we will look foolish, but I know it will be worth it. (Now having said all that, I am speaking metaphorically and I do expect everyone to keep all their clothes on this morning, you can welcome Jesus in your underwear, but I don’t need to see it).
    The Scripture goes on to tell us that “Those in front of him and those following were shouting ‘Hosanna! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessings on the coming kingdom of our ancestor David! Hosanna in the highest!”
    The people are quoting, in part, Psalm 118, verse 25, and that Hebrew word, “Hosanna!” literally means “save, now” or “save, I pray” – they are calling out to Jesus for salvation, for the healing of the nation and the restoration of the kingdom.
    Again, really try to get this picture in your mind, this group of people have stripped down to their undergarments, they are now wearing the simplest, humblest, of clothes – some are ahead, some are behind, and right in the middle is Jesus, an ordinary looking, humble, carpenter, riding in on a young donkey. Lemar Williamson writes in his commentary, “Jesus enters as the lowly one, hero only to a motley rabble, but ironically more of a king than they think.”
    The scholar Marcus Borg speculates that this entry of Jesus into Jerusalem would have been in sharp contrast to another that would have been happening on the opposite side of the city around the same time. He says, “The meaning of Jesus’ mode of entry is amplified by the realization that two processions entered Jerusalem that Passover. The other procession was an imperial one. On or about that same day, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate rode into the city from the opposite side, the west, at the head of a very different kind of procession: imperial cavalry and foot soldiers arriving to reinforce the garrison on the Temple Mount. They did so each year at Passover, coming to Jerusalem from Caesarea Maritima, the city on the Mediterranean coast from which the Roman governor administered Judea and Samaria.
    He says, “Imagine the scene as Pilate’s procession entered the city, a panoply of imperial power. Weapons, helmets, golden eagles mounted on poles, sun glinting on metal and gold. The pounding of horse hooves, the clinking of bridles, the marching of feet, the creaking of leather, the beating of drums, the swirling of dust. The eyes of the silent onlookers, some curious, some awed, some resentful.
    “Jesus (as well as the authors of the gospels) would have known about Rome’s policy of sending reinforcements to the city at Passover. His decision to enter the city as he did was what we would call a planned political demonstration, a counterdemonstration. The juxtaposition of these two processions embodies the central conflict of Jesus’ last week: the kingdom of God or the kingdom of imperial domination. What Christians have often spoken of as Jesus’ triumphal entry was really an anti-imperial entry. What we call Palm Sunday featured a choice of two kingdoms, two visions of life on earth.” (From Marcus Borg Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary pg. 232)
    Now sometimes I think Marcus Borg takes things a little too far, and turns Jesus into too much of a political radical, but I do think there might be something about this picture of vivid contrast Borg paints here. Two very distinct parades, happening at around the same time, maybe a day or two apart – one filled with might and wealth, weapons of destruction and all the markings of earthly power, and one filled with humility, simplicity, a guy on a donkey surrounded by a bunch of half-naked people, it’s such the opposite of what we expect it ought to make us laugh… and the joke is, we know who the real king is, we know which one really holds the power that matters. It’s foolish by all the world’s standards, but we know it to be true.
    Verse 11 of today’s text ends simply with the declaration that “Jesus entered Jerusalem and went to the temple. After he looked around at everything, because it was already late in the evening, he returned to Bethany with the Twelve.”
    Of course, we know that’s not the end of the story. In the verses and chapters that follow, Jesus overturns the tables of the moneychangers, he teaches and gets into arguments with the religious leaders, he eats with a leper, is blessed by a woman who washes his feet with costly perfume, and celebrates the Passover with his friends. But then, he is betrayed by Judas, slandered by the religious scholars and leaders, denied by Peter, handed over to the Roman authorities, mocked, beaten and hung on a cross. See, even in the joy of this day, we must acknowledge the pain that is to come. And I’d strongly encourage you to read those sections of the Bible this week, and invite you to join us for the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services.
    There is such a fine line between laughing and crying… and I’m sure you’ve experience both those tears of joy and tears of sorrow; maybe even times when your sorrow has turned into laughter, or your laughter has triggered some deep sorrow or pain. It’s part of what makes us human. If you’ve ever heard interviews with famous funny people, famous comics you’ll quickly learn that many of them came from very hard lives, and turning their pain and anger into laughter was a coping mechanism for them.
    We need to acknowledge both those feelings and live into the whole range of feelings that are presented in the Gospel. So we move from the joy of this day into the darkness of Good Friday, until we at last arrive into the even greater joy, beauty and victory of Easter.
    There is an old ancient custom, in the Orthodox Church, and even some of the Catholic churches from the middle ages where in the evening of Easter Sunday, or on the Monday after Easter, everyone would gather at the church to tell jokes and funny stories. And they did this to celebrate the fact that Lent was now over; that the time of fasting and repentance had come to an end, but they also did it, it is said, for a deeply theological reason. That in Jesus’ victory over the forces of wickedness and death, God played the greatest prank on the devil that has ever been accomplished. The resurrection is the celebration that God has the last laugh. St. Thomas More once said that “The devil… the proud spirit… can’t endure being mocked.” And so the people laugh because of the great reversal, because everything isn’t what it appear, because we are humbled and joy-filled in all that Christ is done.
    Brothers and sisters, may you know this joy in your hearts, and on this Palm Sunday, may we all be fools for Christ. Amen.

  • Christ as a Leadership Crisis

    I don’t really fall into the UMC’s “Good News” camp, but in this month’s Good News Magazine there is a great article from Will Willimon on “Christ as Leadership Crisis” (I’ll try to link to the electronic version of the article when it becomes available. Here’s a couple highlights:

    “As bishop I am frequently reminded by the Holy Spirit that Jesus was crucified through the leadership of people like me, persons in positions of spiritual authority over others. As bishop, I’m closer to Caiaphas thank to Saint Paul. Therefore I have found it a salubrious practice to have close by me King’s ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail,’ written by King to someone just like me.”


    “According to Matthew 25, there will be surprises for all of us at the Great Assize. (In my worst nightmare it’s me before the throne of Judgement asking, ‘Lord, when did I see you?’ and the King looking down at me saying, ‘Surprise. Inasmuch as you smart-mouthed, castigated and ridiculed the Institute on Religion and Democracy, you did it unto me.’)”

  • On the blogs and in my brain…

    Love this – map of Detroit via watercolor filter, from stamen.com – I’d love to get this (or something similar) made into a print. (via Ryan-boy).

    Lifehacker: The More Facebook Friends You Have, The Less Happy You Probably Are. I’ve been thinking about cutting back on my Facebook “friends”… don’t know what that might say about my mental health. And, What Do I Do When My Employer Wants to Become Too Social? (as in how to handle work related “friend” requests); always a tricky one for clergy.

    Also from Lifehacker: Make DIY Prescription Swim Goggles with Sugru. Interesting idea, of course it looks like a lot of work with little reward, when you can just buy something like this that can provide a “close enough” prescription for under $25. (affiliate link)

    Seth Godin: Extending the Narrative:

    We dismiss the mid-life crisis as an aberration to be avoided or ridiculed, as a dangerous blip in a consistent narrative. But what if we had them all the time? What if we took the resources and trust and momentum that helps us but decided to let the other stuff go?
    It’s painful to even consider giving up the narrative we use to navigate our life. We vividly remember the last time we made an investment that didn’t match our self-story, or the last time we went to the ‘wrong’ restaurant or acted the ‘wrong’ way in a sales call. No, that’s too risky, especially now, in this economy.
    So we play it safe and go back to our story.

    Fred Clark on the National Organization for Marriage strategy memo leaks. Regardless of a person’s stand on these types of issues, it makes me sad when there is a deliberate strategy to divide groups for political gain. I know this is naive but shouldn’t your cause be so captivating in itself that people are drawn to it? Why do groups have to resort to such deliberate “divide and conquer” strategies to advance their agenda if it really is worthwhile? (And I know people on “the left” can be just as guilty of these same behaviors).

    Jonny Baker: Be Who You Are – I’d love to try and make something like this.

    Donald Miller: Why Conflict is Terrific. I like what Miller has to say, but conflict still terrifies me.

    How an Etch-A-Sketch Works – I’d always wondered what those little bead things were.

    This made the rounds on Facebook this week, but it’s worth sharing in case you missed it: How To Get Rid of Your Crappy Pastor.

    JoCo is coming to Ann Arbor, here’s the song that got me hooked on his work (the easily offended or those who despise the back catalog of Sir Mix-a-Lot might want to skip this one…)

  • On the blogs and in my brain…

    Seth Godin: We say we want a revolution… how often do our daily actions betray our spoken “values”? Timely reminder for a church who says they want to rethink and answer a call to action; are we really, or do we just like talking about it? Also from Godin: Demolishing the Argument that Abundance Causes Scarcity.

    7 Deadly Sins of Easter Outreach.

    The Art of Non-Conformity: There’s a Letter You Need to Write.

    Donald Miller: What to do When You Put Your Foot in Your Mouth. (Not “kiss your toes” as one of my friends suggested). Also from Miller, Do You Have an Undiscovered Genius?… I need to check out Robinson’s book The Element (Amazon affiliate link).

    Don Miller’s book Blue Like Jazz is now a movie, soon to be released. Here’s some info on the push back it has received which highlights some of the fundamental problems of different conceptions around the labels “Christian” and “art”.

    Kem Meyer: Would Money Make it Better? I’ve read something recently (not sure where) about how creativity needs “positive constraints” – situations where there are no deadlines, no financial limits, and no defined boundaries; basically the greatest possible measure of “creative freedom” tend to yield poor results. A good challenge to accomplishing a project makes us think more clearly and function more creatively.

    Fred Clark: Trayvon Martin – The Killing on an American Child.

    Michael Hyatt: 7 Steps to Becoming a Happier Person and Leadership at Home Affects the Rest of Your Life.

    My friend Anna has been doing medical work in Africa, check out her blog documenting her time there.

    Andrew Cohen: Voter ID Laws and their impact on the poor and minority populations.

    The story of “Keep Calm and Carry On”:

    Here’s the variations I enjoy: Keep Calm and Time Travel and Get Excited and Make Things.

    Rachel Held Evans: 15 Reasons Why I Left the Church.

    Awesome TED Talk by Susan Cain on The Power of Introverts:

    Sorry no music this week.

  • On the blogs and in my brain…

    National economic hardship? Let social media come to the rescue: The Official Kickstarter Page for Greece. (No, it’s not really).

    Seth Godin: Ashamed to Not Know and the Mathematical Impossibility of Universal Delight.

    Libby Anne: Who are the Real Babies? House-Proofing and Modesty. Awesome article on the expectation that children can control their urges but adult men can’t. (via Fred Clark)

    Fred Clark: Daughter, Go In Peace. Simple, straightforward take on the whole contraceptive/religious freedom debate.

    Libraries morphing into bookstores. This move makes a lot of sense to me.

    The Commuters Odyssey.

    John Van De Laar: Learning to Belong.

    Larae Quy: How Leaders Can Create Self-Worth.

    My friend, Leilani has started blogging – writing some amazing stuff, for example – Change.

    Jeremy Smith: Lamenting an Open-Source Call to Action.

    Becca Clark: Vital Signs and Flat Lines.

    Productivity Porn: Reinventing the Office.

    Tracy Simmons: Pastor Says Hospitality Staff Can’t Live by Bread Alone. Love this ministry idea.

    Wil Wheaton: Things Every Person Should Have.

    Dunbar’s Number vs. Facebook. An attempt to challenge the notion that the human brain can only maintain about 150 relationships (and how it might be time to clear our your friend feed).

    100 Mac Apps to Consider.

    Drink More Tea.

    The more Americans go on food stamps, the more money JP Morgan makes.

    Music Andrew Bird – from last night’s Colbert Report; still haven’t grabbed his new album, but I need to (fortunately I still have some $$ left on an iTunes gift card)…

  • On the blogs and in my brain…

    Domino Project/Seth Godin: Who Decides What Gets Sold in the Bookstore? – the challenge of electronic media consolidation. Also from Godin: Perfect and Impossible.

    Jennifer Simonson: Lines from The Princess Bride that double as comments on freshman composition papers.

    Bridget Nelson: My Inner Helicopter Parent.

    Paste Magazine: 90 Best Albums of the 1990s. As always is the problem with these types of lists I could debate some of the rankings – The Sundays and Sugar should be ranked higher, and the various Wilco albums a little lower, plus I don’t know enough about most of the the hip-hop albums to fairly critique them, but it is an interesting list to look over if you’re from my generation where this music mattered. Also from Paste: 12 Michigan Acts You Should Listen to Now.

    40 Ideas for Keeping Lent Holy.

    Tim King: Don’t Blame College for Young People Leaving the Church.

    Dan Dick: Losers Focus on… Losing.

    Fred Clark: Banks Behaving Badly.

    Awesome geek-dad song from the band, The Board of Education, Why is Dad so Mad?

    New music from Bruce out next week…