I don’t need answers, I just need you…

33 Animals Who Are Extremely Disappointed in You.

Barry Hill, Jr.: What I Learned About To-Do Lists From My 8 Year Old Son. (via Michael Hyatt’s blog)

Becca Clark: What’s Wrong With This Picture? Some more interesting thoughts on the Call to Action. I suspect is it a little unfair picking apart a picture when we don’t know the full context, but I think Becca continues to raise important questions around the Call to Action. Also from Becca: Diary of a Delegate: in Opposition to Disaffiliation.

Love this quote from Virgilio Elizondo (via Inward/Outward):

“Protest without fiesta is empty.”

From the Church Marketing Sucks blog: Steve Jobs – Church Communication Hero.

Shawn Lovejoy: Why I Resigned (And You Should Too).

Is your computer desktop feeling a little stale? Check out these wallpapers (via Lifehacker).

Busting Bike Myths. All of them are good, the helmet one is a particular pet peeve of my, and one I was keenly aware of last week on a ride when I saw a number of children and adults without helmets. I fear my upcoming mid-life crisis could turn into a crusade to get helmets on every Clarkston-area cyclist.

Related: Want to bike from Detroit to Windsor? Good luck; a 2 mile trip turns into 127 when you burn fat and not gas.

Jordon Cooper: Treat Employees Well & Make Money.

FastCompany: Generation Flux – Adapting to Succeed in the New Economy and Unlimited Vacation Boosts Productivity. I especially like that second article; within the life of the church I think we try to emulate the administrative and managerial aspects of secular business sometimes to our detriment, when a measure of simple trust and grace might simply work better. (At the same time I know that especially within the church some employees abuse the language of grace and lack of accountability so that even the basic elements of the job don’t get done, without any consequences to the individual’s bad behavior). 

Big bird with big teeth?

Texts from Dog. Some language and subject matter that might be offensive to some, but I still think it’s pretty funny.

Matthew Paul Turner looks at a video by Bob Larson and raises questions about demonic possession. I used to listen to Bob Larson on the radio as a kid; had no idea he was even still around doing this sort of thing.

New music this week from The Welcome Wagon. Vito serves Resurrection Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, NY, but he is originally from Tecumseh, MI. The new album comes out in June. If you like what you hear, you can download a copy of this track for free here.

The Welcome Wagon- Would You Come and See Me in New York from Asthmatic Kitty on Vimeo.