On the blogs and in my brain…

Fred Clark on Evangelical TribalismDe-legitimizing Christians Outside the Evangelical Tribe, and Kirk Cameron, Tim Tebow and Contemporary Christian Tribalism.

Semi-related: Derek Webb on The Marketing of Jesus.

My friend Sherry Parker is at the United Methodist General Conference, and she promises updates from the conference on her blog; UMC peeps should check it out. Other General Conference bloggers to check out include:
Becca Clark
Dan Dick
and the Methoblog which will gather together a number of different news reports, blog posts and highlights.

Seth Godin (via the Domino Project), reminds of just a few of the people who were Self Published.

Lifehacker: DIY Natural Garden Pesticides.

Jeff Goins: One Sure Sign You’re a Professional.

Andrew Sullivan: Christianity in Crisis.

Nerd Porn: Tiny Printer Projects.

Good Magazine: Spring Cleaning – Get a Green Thumb.

Geek Dad: 67 Books Every Geek Should Read to Their Kids Before Age 10.

Also from Wired/Geek Dad: An Adventure in Cable Cutting. I’m moving in this direction, I just need to find a good way to install an attic antenna and run a few feet of co-ax into the family room.

Britni Danielle: Why I’m Proud to be Part of ‘Generation Job-Hop’.

Music from the Soweto Gospel Choir (via NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts):