On the blogs and in my brain…

Love this – map of Detroit via watercolor filter, from stamen.com – I’d love to get this (or something similar) made into a print. (via Ryan-boy).

Lifehacker: The More Facebook Friends You Have, The Less Happy You Probably Are. I’ve been thinking about cutting back on my Facebook “friends”… don’t know what that might say about my mental health. And, What Do I Do When My Employer Wants to Become Too Social? (as in how to handle work related “friend” requests); always a tricky one for clergy.

Also from Lifehacker: Make DIY Prescription Swim Goggles with Sugru. Interesting idea, of course it looks like a lot of work with little reward, when you can just buy something like this that can provide a “close enough” prescription for under $25. (affiliate link)

Seth Godin: Extending the Narrative:

We dismiss the mid-life crisis as an aberration to be avoided or ridiculed, as a dangerous blip in a consistent narrative. But what if we had them all the time? What if we took the resources and trust and momentum that helps us but decided to let the other stuff go?
It’s painful to even consider giving up the narrative we use to navigate our life. We vividly remember the last time we made an investment that didn’t match our self-story, or the last time we went to the ‘wrong’ restaurant or acted the ‘wrong’ way in a sales call. No, that’s too risky, especially now, in this economy.
So we play it safe and go back to our story.

Fred Clark on the National Organization for Marriage strategy memo leaks. Regardless of a person’s stand on these types of issues, it makes me sad when there is a deliberate strategy to divide groups for political gain. I know this is naive but shouldn’t your cause be so captivating in itself that people are drawn to it? Why do groups have to resort to such deliberate “divide and conquer” strategies to advance their agenda if it really is worthwhile? (And I know people on “the left” can be just as guilty of these same behaviors).

Jonny Baker: Be Who You Are – I’d love to try and make something like this.

Donald Miller: Why Conflict is Terrific. I like what Miller has to say, but conflict still terrifies me.

How an Etch-A-Sketch Works – I’d always wondered what those little bead things were.

This made the rounds on Facebook this week, but it’s worth sharing in case you missed it: How To Get Rid of Your Crappy Pastor.

JoCo is coming to Ann Arbor, here’s the song that got me hooked on his work (the easily offended or those who despise the back catalog of Sir Mix-a-Lot might want to skip this one…)