Category: Uncategorized

  • Say what you want to say, make it mean everything…

    Great thoughts (as always) from Seth Godin, check out his post on Civilization and The Curious Imperative – “It never made sense to be proud of being ignorant, but we’re in a new era now. Look it up.”

    Semi-related: from Lifehacker: How to Spot Truth in the Sea of Myths, Rumors, and Lies on the Internet.

    Donald Miller: In Life, Move Through the Fear Rather than Around It.

    Taylor Burton-Edwards on the recent Pew study indicating that young people with no religious affiliation has risen from 15% to 19.6%:  “Nones” Rising – What Does It Mean for Us?

    Fred Clark, looks at the theological implications (and fundamental limitations) of Calvinism through the lens of science fiction here, also check out his post on Mark Twain vs. Loy Mauch.

    McSweeney’s: Brand Name Author, also awesome Allow Me to Evade that Specific Policy Question with Sweeping Generalizations about America.

    Mike Todd: Part of the Solution, Or…

    Thoughts on “amicable separation” in the United Methodist Church by Jeremy Smith, You Need a Left Wing and a Right Wing to Fly. 16 Ways to Connect and Become Unforgettable.

    Bicycling Magazine makes a good case that sometimes the biggest obstacles towards bike-friendly communities are cyclists being un-friendly.

    Want better health? Try practicing forgiveness. The website, Good, reports that “Truly forgiving those who have wronged us is good for our health in myriad ways—it lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, and increases life span.

    New music from Matt & Kim:

  • “Well you forgave and I won’t forget…”

    Dearborn: Where Americans Come to Hate Muslims. Important and insightful article about the Detroit metro area. I’d know a little bit about Dearborn’s history, and Mayor Hubbard, but I had no idea Christian Arabs have been immigrating to the area since the 1880’s.

    Bikes: Good for You, Good for the Economy.

    Jay Voorhees: The Ministry of Resources

    Richard Beck on the Hunger Games and Harry Potter: “Well, Christians, at least American Christians, are okay with murder but really, really scared of magic.”

    Lifehacker: DIY Washing Soda – follow the links to see how to make your own washing machine detergent. I haven’t tried this, but some friends have and say it works great.

    Roger Olsen: Whatever Happened to the “Evangelical Left”? On a similar note, I may be having a review of the book A New Evangelical Manifesto: A Kingdom Vision for the Common Good coming down the pipe in the next few weeks.

    Fred Clark: Gatekeeper Gatecrashes a Wedding – great post on criticism of Brian McLaren officiating his son’s same-sex wedding. Also from Fred: A Documented Case of False Prophecy, on the evangelicalist fears surrounding President Obama’s election in 2008.

    Lifehacker: How Can I Help a Friend Who is Spreading Malware? Disregarding the “help a friend” angle, there are some good basic computer security tips in there.

    Jeremy Smith: The Hulk’s Secret is Discipleship’s Secret. I think Jeremy might be on to something there, even though I probably would have expressed it a little differently. As Christians, I think we need to claim our anger – it’s okay to be angry; I have to believe that it was anger that led Jesus to turning over the tables in the Temple. The question is what should we (or do we) get angry about, and how do we channel that anger for good? Bruce Banner wasn’t the Hulk 24/7, but he was willing to go there, when it mattered. Unfortunately the church is filled with angry people, but 99% of them seem to be angry at the wrong things, like the color of the sanctuary carpet, or children making too much noise during worship.

    Seth Godin: Denying Facts You Don’t Like.

    Want to look “manly” and “dominant”? Shave your head.

    Love this – a newspaper in Iran fell victim to The Onion’s article saying that rural whites in the US preferred Ahmadinejad to Obama.

    26 Ways You Can Heart Your Pastor.

    Awesome new images of Saturn’s rings.

    “White Flour!” and “Wife Power!” using humor to counter-protest the KKK.

    How Reddit Became the Internet’s Vigilante Voltron.

    Mumford and Sons… I read something recently that unfortunately I didn’t save so I can quote it accurately, but said, in effect Mumford and Sons makes great music that reflects their faith, but then the drop the f-bomb enough so they’ll never have to play at “Christian music” festivals…

  • All along, I keep singing my song…

    It’s been a long time since I’ve put a roundup together, and it turns out to be a fairly short list, but hopefully this will get my back into a regular blogging routine…

    I find myself really bothered by the whole “voter fraud” crackdown, as it seems to be a cheap ploy to curtail voting especially among minority populations and those in poverty. As The Atlantic reports, an extensive search of “illegal voters” in Florida found exactly 1 person (who happens to be from Austria and collects guns). Also from The Atlantic and worth reading, The Ballot Cops, takes a good look at the fine line between “observation” and “intimidation” and the long history of using these tactics particularly against minority groups. (Sara Silverman also has a few thoughts on this, you can find it here, it’s funny, but Sara does drop the f-bomb multiple times so not safe for work or people who are easily offended).

    Emily C. Heath: How to Tell if Your Religious Liberty is Being Threatened in 10 Quick Questions.

    Seth Godin: The People Who Came Before You. (The reason why more people don’t come to church? Maybe, because they’ve already been there… and the experience wasn’t good).

    I’ll keep myself from commentary of Mitt Romney’s “47% of Americans” comment, but feel free to check out Fred Clark’s take (and additional links) on it.

    Lifehacker: How to Opt Out of Facebook’s Newest Attempt to Track Everything You Do. I get why Facebook needs to do this from a monetary standpoint, and I can even understand the case of why additional information means more (better?) targeted advertising, but each step on this path makes me wonder more and more why I have a Facebook account.

    Good: How to Start an Urban Farm in a Post-Industrial City. My friends in Cedar Rapids have already started a great urban farm project in their community, hopefully I can talk/help some friends serving churches in Detroit and Flint to do the same.

    I’ve posted from Matisyahu on here before – a new album, Spark Seekercame out this summer, which I thought was pretty good. He looks very different without his Hasidic beard and locks, but still sounds great.

  • An Appeal for Better Baptisms (“Say My Name, Say My Name…”)

    I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while, but Jeremy Smith’s recent couple posts on baptism fails, helped give me the push I needed to actually add my 2 cents to the blog.

    The “standard practice” within the United Methodist Church for infant baptisms (as I have seen and done myself), is to invite the family to come forward at some point during the service, and then instruct the congregation to, “Please turn to page 39 in the hymnal.”

    The congregation can then read along as the pastor offers the words of introduction, “Brothers and sisters in Christ: Through the Sacrament of Baptism we are initiated into Christ’s holy church. We are incorporated into God’s mighty act of salvation and given new birth through water and the Spirit. All of this is God’s gift, offered to us without price.” The congregation continues to read as the pastor follows the rest of the written liturgy, asking the parents the questions about their commitment to live a Christ-like life, and to raise their child in the same manner.

    What follows is the problematic piece of the baptismal service, for me. The attention is then turned to the congregation and the pastor asks, as is written:

    “Will you nurture one another in the Christian faith and life and include these persons now before you in your care?”

    The congregation responds:

    “With God’s help we will proclaim the good news and live according to the example of Christ. We will surround these persons with a community of love and forgiveness, that they may grow in their service to others. We will pray for them, that they may be true disciples who walk in the way that leads to life.”

    The problem is that the congregation always reads that response as it is written, but not as it is intended. What is meant to be this beautiful statement of a congregation covenant, that I believe is an essential element of the sacrament, becomes this generic, awkward congregation response.

    So here’s my appeal to my clergy friends – DON’T have the congregation “Turn to page 39” – they don’t need to read along with what you are saying – their eyes shouldn’t be on the book, they should be on the actions of this beautiful event taking place. They should be experiencing the moment, not reading along with it. In place of the “generic” congregation pledge, offer a specific, printed version – either in the bulletin, or on a projection screen that names the child. No longer will we “surround these persons with a community of love and forgiveness” from now on we need to name names:

    “With God’s help we will proclaim the good news and live according to the example of Christ. We will surround Emma with a community of love and forgiveness, that she may grow in her service to others. We will pray for Emma that she may be a true disciple who walks in the way that leads to life.”

    If you need to make it plural, make it plural; but let’s have the congregation say the names. Theologically, the whole point of baptism is about each person being uniquely named and claimed by God, and being held in covenant by the congregation. The “generic” congregational response doesn’t let that happen; while it is nice to expect the congregation to simply make the necessary changes to the printed italics, in a group setting, it just doesn’t happen, so we need to do the work for them – make the pledge personal.

    One other note – this isn’t part of my “appeal” just a great idea I got from Rev. Greg Dell when I was in seminary (and regardless of what you may know or think of Greg, this is a great idea): Incorporate the act of baptism into the children’s message. What this means is that I always schedule the baptism right after the children’s message, but as part of the time with children, I bring out the pitcher of water and a cup, and have the children take turns to help fill the baptismal font. As I do, I remind them that this baptism is a sign of God’s love of the person being baptized, but we are also promising to help teach them, pray for them, and show them God’s love; assuming it is an infant (or young child) baptism, I tell the kids, “pretty soon (name) is going to be running around, going to Sunday School and VBS with you, and they’ll need your help – to be their friend and teach them about Jesus; and you’ll be able to say that you helped on the day they were baptized.” It also works great because often there will be siblings or cousins of the baptized child there, so they have a part to play in this special day.

  • Still here…

    As I’ve mentioned before, this has been a busy summer, and I’ve fallen away from regular blogging. I have been playing with making the switch to Blogger’s “dynamic views” interface – let me know what you think of the current design/format.

  • I’m not a monster, Tom… well, technically I am.

    I fear it’s likely to be a pretty sporadic summer in terms of blog updates, until I get into some new routines, but here’s a round-up covering pretty much the last month…

    Fred Clark on Mutuality Week and the Burden of Proof (make sure to follow the links to see some of the postings from Rachel Held Evan’s Week of Mutuality – there is some good stuff in there; although it is rather depressing that we are even still debating these topics related to gender inclusion in the life of the church).

    Also from Fred Clark: I Never, Leviticus Edition

    The Real Generation Gap – how Baby Boomers have been on the receiving end of government assistance all of their lives. Fascinating article which states:

    “There are a lot of incredible things boomers have done for our country, and I admire and learn from many of them. But, history reveals a gaping leadership and responsibility gap between boomers and their parents. Somehow, some way, the shared generational value of baby boomers’ parents — that of civic investment and “paying it forward” through taxes and good governance — was not transferred to their children, who now, paradoxically, seem to want less government and less taxes, despite having spent the majority of their lives depending on big government and tax revenue.”

    Roger Olson: What Does “Inerrancy” Actually Do?

    Seth Godin: How to Succeed

    Mark Engler: Keep Your Government Hands Off My Welfare State

    Dan Dick: Cheapening the Church

    LaRae Quy: 3 Ways to Find the Truth About Yourself

    Wil Wheaton: Famous Novelists on Symbolism in Their Work and Weather it was Intentional

    Jamie the Very Worst Missionary: Who Do You Think You Aren’t

    Jonathan Coulton: Emily and David – I think Jonathan has some great insight into the future of intellectual property as it relates to music and far beyond. The issues are simply going to be much more complex in the years to come, but instead of fighting it, we need to find ways to embrace and adapt to the coming changes.

    Lifehacker: Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Music Listening Experience

    Also, music related, a new Looper album is apparently in the works. I know 99% of you who read this have no idea who Looper is, but Up a Tree is an amazing little album that 15 years later I still enjoy.

    Geek Dad: These Lego Birds Aren’t Angry, Just Geeky (and pretty awesome!)

    Scot McKnight: Baptists Chasing Methodists – and not in some game of denominational tag. The article talks about how, in the Southern Baptist Convention they are starting to see declines that parallel what the United Methodist Church has been experiencing over the last 40 years. Sometimes it seems like some in the UMC believe adopting a “theological purity” like the SBC would be the answer to all our problems, yet this trend shows that the issues surrounding membership and attendance are greater than notions of theological orthodoxy.

    Semi-related (but not intentionally), Jeremy Smith asks,  Is the UMC the Rebellion or the Empire?

    Also semi-related the Lewis Center Update points to the trends in the 2010 Religion Census Update

    Shannon Karafanda: Church Hoarding. Good reflection about the propensity of churches to collect “stuff” that can never be recycled or thrown out, which then keeps us from moving forward in our mission. A good friend will be serving a new church this week and that is item #1 on his agenda – getting rid of all this unnecessary “stuff” that is crowding the hallways and filling the classrooms that has outlived it’s usefulness and is a power symbol for how the church has been stuck for some time.

    Here’s Looper. I prefer the album version of this song to the one in the video, but it’s still good…

    And we’ll do one more to give Jonathan Coulton some love too… I may have posted a version of this one before – an ode to zombies and business culture – Re: Your Brains:

  • can’t stand it, i know you planned it…

    Lots of catching up to do, so here you go…

    Helpful tips from Ann Randers.

    Dan Dick, back at the beginning of the month regarding General Conference: To Rainbow or Not to Rainbow and here he Looks Back at General Conference.

    Fred Clark: David Barton says things that are not true. (Again, you have to go back to the beginning of the month when Barton was on The Daily Show; I was sorry to see John Stewart give Barton attention he doesn’t deserve).

    Godin calls the business world to care more; good advice for the church, too. Also from Godin – Avoiding False Metrics – also good advice for the UMC. One more to check out – The Quickest Way to Get Things Done and Make Change.

    Rev. Momma on Defending v. Defensive:

    “I’m not interested in proof-texting or debating, I’m interested in relationship, in loving, and in sharing how my life has changed by Christ.”

    To which I simply say, Amen!

    From Lifehacker: Turn Your Cassette Tapes into MP3s. I’ve done this a few times with some my old radio recordings, but still have more to do.

    Julie Clawson: Theology in the Dressing Room.

    Adam Walker Cleaveland: Why Pastors Should Only Have 1 Facebook Profile.

    Jay Voorhees posts An Open Letter to Bishop William Willimon – great reflection on the “trust problem” in the UMC; Jay also offers an important follow-up, I Love our Bishops.

    Leilani Euper: Riding the Thunderbolt.

    The Tyranny of Extroversion.

    Taylor Burton-Edwards encourages us to Move Beyond the Death Metaphors for the UMC.

    Is Mitt Romney a Unicorn?

    Shawn Smucker: 35 Years in Church and I Still Don’t Know How to Respond to Poverty. Powerful and convicting reflection about how the church fails to equip people to “do ministry” and names the struggle we all face.

    If You Build Bike Lanes, They Will Ride.

    Millennials in Detroit.

    Tough month for fans of 90s era college rock, Ween break up (there was a time at KRUI where it seemed like “Push the Little Daisies” was being played every hour), and much more significantly the loss of MCA from the Beastie Boys…

  • Administrative note

    I know I’m way behind again on getting a regular posting out. Hopefully that will be corrected sometime this week.

    One quick note I wanted to share – a few friends have asked about getting notified when I do add a new post. I have twitter and facebook set up to provide notifications, but sometimes those get lost in the mix. If you’d like to have new posts e-mailed to you, or if you want to subscribe in your favorite feed reader, those options should now be easily available. Just click/fill out the appropriate information in one of the boxes to the right of this post.

    Hope that helps!

  • Make Good Art

    Great commencement address by Neil Gaiman (via Tim Ferriss)

  • DAC Poem

    As part of the Detroit Annual Conference Eric Kieb, Jeff Nelson, Jeremy Peters and I were asked to write a group piece based on Mark 5 – the story of Jesus encountering the Gerasene demoniac. Here’s what we came up with…

    The waves were pounding
    thunder resounding
    While the wind was hounding
    And darkness surrounding

    On a mission – confounding

    The boat sides were creakin’
    The water was seepin’
    The fishermen were weepin’
    And Jesus was sleepin’

    Jesus was sleeping?

    Then who has been keeping
    An eye on this trip,
    Crossing over the sea, crossing over the border
    Facing the chaos, facing disorder

    Can’t we go back just like every other
    Group that has ever tried to cross before

    No hope is ahead,
    nothing in store
    But more wind and more rain and more terrible storm
    It’s easier to complain and conform

    One word
    Stills the rain
    Stills the wind
    Stills the pain

    Calls the rabbi, calls the Nazarene

    After 50 long years they say this boat’s a sinkin’
    Some chalk it up to cynical thinkin’
    50 long years of desperation, decline
    “What’s all the fuss, aren’t we just fine?”

    “Peace” he calls out
    After a year of baptisms and weddings
    and attempted beheadings
    from bridezillas who stalk and they squalk
    as they threaten to outline our bodies in chalk
    if the dog can’t be the one to bring down the rings
    and if her little sister isn’t allowed to sing
    “The first time ever I saw your face…”

    After mission trips and bring-a-dish dinners
    “Green-bean casserole – now there’s a winner”
    And vain attempts to reach and to preach,
    invite and incite, proclaim and teach
    After all of the fighting’s without and the fears within
    I’m not even sure where to begin

    He calls out
    After ten days of Tampa high-drama
    It’s not a period, we’ll call it a comma.
    Unsettling storms seem to dampen the Spirit
    Of unity and pride, but we cannot hide

    The disciples they arrived on the other side of the sea,
    And here today we gather both lay and clergy
    At Adrian College or in the country of the Gerasenes
    We come seeking Jesus always ready to seek the lost and unclean

    And just as Jesus stepped out of the boat
    A man came up not wearing a coat
    Disheveled, delusional and demon possessed
    Coming to Jesus beating his breast

    Stuck outside living among the tombs
    No hope no cure, everyone presumes

    Today they like to say that our church is dead
    Easier to blame than fix problems instead
    Fighting constraints, restraints,
    Chained down with no one to hear his complaints

    Locked up with lanyards and empty platitudes
    A landslide of legislation and bad attitudes
    Robbed by Roberts and his Rules of Order
    Stuck in the past like some kind of hoarder

    “You’re out of order!”
    “No you’re out of order!”
    “This whole place is out of order!”

    Shattering shackles, breaking the chains,
    Is there’s no balm in Gilead to heal this man’s pain?

    Should we skip the plenary to go see the Avengers?
    No, the Hulk is right here, among the Amen-ers
    A chain-snapping giant with incredible hope
    That’ll make us feel like inevitable dopes
    When they tie us down with inflexible rope
    Wondering why we just keep trying to cope
    “Wouldn’t it be easier to become Presbyterian”
    “I’m finding a place with an infallible pope!”

    Living night and day in the cemetery
    Dawson Auditorium and Shipman Library
    Howling and growling, bruising himself with stones
    Marginalized madman left all alone

    And his fist said to face I don’t need you
    And arm said to chest, I think we are through
    And his feet they said to his padded posterior
    In this body, I am superior

    And he deployed the Discipline, like a back-alley razor
    Cut himself to pieces like black eye-lined teenager

    Running to Jesus he got on his knees,
    Listen to me Jesus, listen to me please
    Don’t you torment me, don’t make me leave.

    He bowed before the cross,
    she put her hand in the air
    They broke bread with Bishop,
    sang hymns with flair

    Praying so hard with all of their heart
    “Lord, please go away…” don’t mess up our part
    We’ve become accustomed to our messes
    Our routines and our tombs
    Our beautiful colored glass
    And Sunday costumes
    Leave us to sit in our comfortable pew
    We’ll just sit and complain how “the workers are few…”

    When Jesus asks,

    “What is your name?”

    Are we so honest that we proclaim:
    My name is anger, resentment and hypocrisy.
    My name is faction and fear. My name is pulpit envy.
    My name is naked ambition, pride mixed with doubt.
    My name’s in incomprehensible acronym, the meaning we’ve forgotten about.”
    My name is bumper sticker theology,
    my name is Pharisee,
    My name is intolerance and ignorance,
    and ‘Hey! Look at me!’”

    “My name is Legion; for we are many.”

    They begged him earnestly not to send them away
    Please not to Marquette, that’s all I can say.

    Don’t send us a pastor too young or old
    Not sure we’re quite ready for a woman or theology too bold.

    Don’t send me to the dirty
    the downtrodden,
    the drop outs and delinquents.
    Don’t send me to the queers
    to the ones baptized with tears
    to those assaulted by fears.
    Don’t send me to the
    or distraught
    I don’t wanna be reminded
    that there’s little that separates me
    from them
    from you
    from me
    from us.

    Lord, heal our church.
    Cast out our demons.

    Imagine a church united
    Imagine a people clothed in mercy.
    Imagine a crew willing to engage broken people in broken places.
    Imagine setting sail through torrents and storms.
    Imagine getting out of the boat and getting the world right
    The gates of Hell themselves would tremble at the sight.
    After the storm
    ministry happens.
    On the other side
    demons are defeated.
    Lives are changed
    Grace happens… even in graveyards…
    especially in graveyards.

    Get out of the boat
    Cast out the demons
    The world is our parish.
    Michigan is our mission.