maybe i’ve forgotten the name and the address…

17 Phrases That Will Kill Creativity

Related (and well worth your time) watch David Kelley’s TED talk on How to Rebuild Your Creative Confidence:

Donald Miller’s take on the word “Integrity”.

Also from Donald Miller’s Storyline site an important little story about how something as simple as a cup of tea can save a person’s life. Every day life gives us opportunities for compassion and caring that can change lives, the question is, are we open to the challenge?

Seth Godin: The only purpose of customer service…

Nerd porn: 9-Billion-Pixel Photo of Milky Way (not the candy bar).

Also to be filed under “Things That Are Awesome” and a little closer to home: Ann Arbor Chalk Bomber.

From Wired: From AT-ATs to iPhones, Early Sketches of Iconic Objects.

Morgan Guyton: Unpaving the Romans Road.

A couple good one’s from McSweeney’s: 20012 BC – Where do the candidates stand on the issues?
and Guns for Food Stamps.

A more serious election-themed posting: Jane Mayer on The Voter-Fraud Myth.

James McGrath: The Bible and Economic and Social Justice:

“The land, Biblical authors regularly assume and sometimes state, is regarded as God’s, not anyone else’s. And so you are immediately demoted from landowner to tenant. And as such, it is not your decision what to do with crops grown on God’s land. That’s fairly consistently the view that the Biblical authors adopt.”

Fred Clark has a great post on Franklin Graham and the latter day politicization of the Billy Graham Evangelical Association. Also be sure to read his post breaking down the revisionist history of the evangelicals’ position on abortion.

If you are an iOS user, be sure and check out Google’s Voice Search

Josh Hale writes about The UMC Security of Appointment in light of the recent Judicial Council decision. (I need to get a post of my own written in conjunction with this and my own choice to take a voluntary leave of absence from the church… maybe that will be a project for next week).

Semi-related, Rev. Momma has a moving post on some of the challenges of ministry, especially in a new appointment.

Also semi-related, Michael Hyatt on The 3 Components of Job Satisfaction.

Found myself in the mood for old music by New Order this week: