Great thoughts (as always) from Seth Godin, check out his post on Civilization and The Curious Imperative – “It never made sense to be proud of being ignorant, but we’re in a new era now. Look it up.”
Semi-related: from Lifehacker: How to Spot Truth in the Sea of Myths, Rumors, and Lies on the Internet.
Donald Miller: In Life, Move Through the Fear Rather than Around It.
Taylor Burton-Edwards on the recent Pew study indicating that young people with no religious affiliation has risen from 15% to 19.6%: “Nones” Rising – What Does It Mean for Us?
Fred Clark, looks at the theological implications (and fundamental limitations) of Calvinism through the lens of science fiction here, also check out his post on Mark Twain vs. Loy Mauch.
McSweeney’s: Brand Name Author, also awesome Allow Me to Evade that Specific Policy Question with Sweeping Generalizations about America.
Mike Todd: Part of the Solution, Or…
Thoughts on “amicable separation” in the United Methodist Church by Jeremy Smith, You Need a Left Wing and a Right Wing to Fly. 16 Ways to Connect and Become Unforgettable.
Bicycling Magazine makes a good case that sometimes the biggest obstacles towards bike-friendly communities are cyclists being un-friendly.
Want better health? Try practicing forgiveness. The website, Good, reports that “Truly forgiving those who have wronged us is good for our health in myriad ways—it lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, and increases life span.“
New music from Matt & Kim: