• 35: a playlist

    here’s a little play list i put together for today, some of the songs have meaning, others i just felt like listening to…

    1. Flight Test – The Flaming Lips
    2. I’m Amazed – My Morning Jacket
    3. It’s A Shame About Ray – The Lemonheads
    4. Constructive Summer – The Hold Steady
    5. Light & Day / Reach For The Sun – The Polyphonic Spree
    6. Five Get Over Excited – The Housemartins [Reminds me of the year I spent in Hull, where this band was from]
    7. Waiting For The Great Leap Forward – Billy Bragg
    8. Steve’s Hammer (For Pete) – Steve Earle
    9. One Thing Real – Dan Bern [Story on Dan here]
    10. You! Me! Dancing! – Los Campesinos!
    11. Love Shack – The B-52’s [Cosmic Thing came out shortly before I turned 16 and started driving, it’s one of those tapes that I’d drive around listening to again and again]
    12. Common People – Pulp
    13. So What’cha Want – The Beastie Boys
    14. U-Mass – The Pixies [When I was doing college radio one of my favorite combination of songs was the cold end on “So What’cha Want” and that great guitar into to “U-Mass”, I usually ran a tight board so it worked well (at least in my opinion)]
    15. Waiting Room – Fugazi [Another song I associate with college radio]
    16. Indian Summer – Luna [I really do enjoy music released in this decade, I guess I’m just choosing not to listen to much of it today]
    17. Section 26: We Crawl – The Polyphonic Spree
    18. Don’t Stop Believin’ – Petra Haden [Just because when Petra does these a capella covers they are so entertaining]
    19. Tables And Chairs – Andrew Bird [“There will be snacks…”]
    20. It’s The End Of The World As We Know It – R.E.M.
    21. We’re Going to Be Friends – The White Stripes
    22. Without A Trace – Soul Asylum [Soul Asylum was the first rock concert I attended, Vic Chesnutt opened]
    23. Stratford-On-Guy – Liz Phair
    24. U2 – Negativland [“I know it’s around here somewhere, but I still have found it…”]
    25. Rainbow Connection – Willie Nelson
    26. Von – Sigur Ros
    27. King James Version – Billy Bragg [A very good song, but I especially love the first line, “He was trapped in a haircut he no longer believed in”]
    28. Hoover Dam – Blue Sugar
    29. Stay Positive – The Hold Steady
    30. Thou Shalt Always Kill – Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip [This is a song I know I shouldn’t enjoy, but I do]
    31. Thursday – Morphine
    32. Another Sunny Day – Belle & Sebastian
    33. All In Good Time – Pierce Pettis
    34. One More Circle – Peter Mayer
    35. Thank You Friends – Big Star

    Rock over London. Rock on Chicago. Weaties, breakfast of champions.

  • ten

    neither one of us is sure on the exact date, but i believe today marks the tenth anniversary of a certain toga party, that took place in evanston. it was at this party that i told my friend, abby about my interest in a friend of hers – beautiful, young woman from michigan. as the evening progressed, i found out she had a similar interest in me.

    on that particular night we kissed for the first time, and have been kissing ever since. thank you, amy, for ten amazing years of laughter and love.

  • church

    Mike Slaughter has some thoughts on the church as discipleship vs. cruise ship here.
    And I love this idea from Small Ritural (via Jordon Cooper) here.

  • change the worldview

    Seth Godin has some great thoughts on dealing with difficult (but not stupid) people here.

  • community organizers

    jim wallis has some great thoughts on palin’s comments about community organizers here.

  • camp

    this past week some fellow ministry-types organized our first family camp for ministry professionals. jeff and bridget have a great summary, and maybe i’ll get to posting some thoughts of my own (in addition to acting on a few other ideas that i’ve brought away from the week), but in the meantime, here is a little reflection i put together from the week:

    emmaus echoes
    resound in my soul

    companions –
    all that had happened
    sharing stories
    and memories
    of miracles and of the messiah
    of blessings and of the betrayal
    of companions and the cross

    a couple of Christ-followers
    talking, walking,
    retreating, returning
    a stranger in their midst
    (but one they know so well)
    in the sharing of story
    in the breaking of bread

    emmaus echoes
    resound in my soul
    knowing Christ still comes
    in campfire conversations
    and beach-side beauty
    in mealtime memories
    both shared
    and being made

    christ still comes
    sometimes without realization
    as strangers become friends
    as companions
    laugh, talk
    complain, cry

    christ still comes
    and community is formed
    in this humble
    grace-filled gathering
    where love reigns supreme

    emmaus echoes
    resound in my soul
    as the children played
    were not our hearts burning within us?
    as the preachers preached
    were not our hearts burning within us?
    as good food fed our bodies,
    and conversation fed our souls
    were not our hearts burning within us?

    emmaus echoes
    resound in my soul
    and I am thankful
    for Christ-like community
    each and every day.

  • dan

    as i was getting ready to put up some new stuff here, i realized that i never finished the rest of the story related to the iowa trip.

    at the beginning of the week, clint and courtney talked about going to this community “variety show” that was about the flood. to be honest i wasn’t expecting much, i figured there would be some nice, local talent, but nothing spectacular. thursday night comes and we arrive at this beautiful outdoor setting. we arrived just a few minutes before the performance was to start, so i grabbed a program and found a seat near the back.

    a man behind me starts playing guitar and singing. and i start thinking to myself, “hey, that voice sort of sounds familiar…” the singer starts to move – now his back is to me.

    i think some more “hey, they guy is trying really hard to sound like dan bern.” followed by another thought, “why would that guy be imitating dan bern?!”

    then slowly the gears start to turn. “you know, dan bern, grew up in eastern iowa… but that can’t really be…” i quickly start to page through the program i’d been handed, and there i see it – “music by dan bern.”

    now i fully understand this means nothing to most of you who read (or have otherwise stumbled upon) this blog (even those who might share similar tastes in music), dan isn’t a well known talent, but i’ve been enjoying his music for the better part of ten years (maybe more), he’s someone i’ve always hoped to see perform live, but never had the opportunity to… and there is is – standing and singing – 15 feet in front of my face – in a completely unexpected venue or set of circumstances. so at this point, i basically start to freak out. my jaw has literally dropped open. and for the next couple hours i am in total musical bliss.

    after the show (thanks to some prodding from clint) i go up to dan, shake his hand, my voice jumps a octive and i babble like a fool; and he was very gracious. (actually wil wheaton wrote a great post a couple weeks ago that basically captures my mental state during this exchange, and eric’s imitation about what i’d be like meeting shane claiborne was pretty much dead on to this encounter).

    anyway, it was a great way to cap off an amazing week. thanks clint and courtney for making this happen.

    (p.s. in case you’re now interested in dan’s music, here’s a sample, but i’ll offer a general warning, for the most part dan’s music isn’t recommended for those who are easily offended – though this particular song is safe).

  • a homecoming (of sorts)

    it’s a week that can possibly be described as “good living” (to borrow a phrase from my friend, rudy), but in a particular sort of way. a few weeks ago a planned mission trip for a handful of youth took a radical change in course when the floods hit cedar rapids, our intended destination. e-mails were sent out, an invitation was extended from the pulpit, and adults were invited to come along for a week in july to help with flood relief work.
    and people responded. some already had vacation time scheduled and cancelled other plans to travel to iowa. others made arrangements to be away.

    then came the supplies, as word about the trip got around people started bringing in donations – money, supplies. enough to fill a 22′ truck. i was overwhelmed.
    we set off last sunday morning, 22 of us in total, making the journey along i80 to iowa. during the next four days we tore out drywall, cleaned out basements, and ripped up flooring, in addition to a few other projects. our efforts hardly made a dent in all the work there that still needs to be done, but we did what we could to lend a hand where it was needed, and the sweat and sore muscles felt good, knowing that at least a few people were helped through our work. the amount of destruction the flood brought is pretty incomprehensible, but there is hope and a commitment to rebuild – and to hear the stories of those who have been through it all is inspiring. to sheila, jose, courtney, and all those others who opened their doors and invited us into their homes so that we could help; thank you, and you continue to be in my prayers as you rebuild.

    along the way i had a chance to catch up with some good friends i hadn’t seen in years. and though life has changed for all of us along the way, it was good to know those bonds of friendship hadn’t changed.

    the week was capped off with an AMAZING performance called “moving home” at the brucemore in cedar rapids – this is a production they put together in a couple weeks – drama, music, and art – all about the experience of the flood. seriously if you are anywhere in the vicinity of eastern iowa, you should get tickets to this (available here, proceeds benefit the cedar rapids community foundation flood fund). (i actually have more to say about this, but i’ll save it for another post).