Category: Beastie Boys
this week’s round-up (march 7)
Should churches compare attendance numbers? Interesting take from a non-UMC perspective, where we are so focused on numbers; make sure you read the comments there – I find myself wanting to answer, “Yes number (tracking attendance, visitors, etc.) is important, but it’s the comparing part that can get you into trouble, by inviting in feelings of pride or failure that can distract us from the real issues of each congregation’s unique DNA, and place on the life-cycle.
The Un-fit Pastor. Important reminder for me.
Seth Godin’s latest endeavor is The Domino Project and they’ve recently released the book Poke the Box
. I haven’t read it yet, but they’ve also released a free PDF worksheet to accompany it that has some good questions, check it out here.
From Jesus Needs New PR – fantastic retelling/personal interpretation of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
Roger Olsen on N.T. Wright, Richard Bauckham and British Evangelicals.
Brilliant, convicting, short little video from Alan Hirsch on why Christians avoid risk-taking. (via)
Alan Hirsch – Are You Stuck In A Rut? from Verge Network on Vimeo.Back to the ’90s for today’s music selection – great song, outstanding video: