Julie Clawson: What It Is Is Beautiful. Love the LEGO advertisement graphic and Julie’s words are great, too.
Shane Claiborne: 12 Hopes for 2012.
LaRae Quy: Do You Lead Your Own Life?
Mark Engler: Iowa: The People’s Caucus. As I’ve mentioned before, Mark and I used to play ultimate frisbee together (about 20 years ago), and I find him writing some pretty interesting stuff on international politics today.
Seth Godin: Simple Thoughts on Fair Use.
Semi-related: Congress Considers Paywalling Science You’ve Already Paid For.
In general, there is a major need to shift how we approach, consider and deal with intellectual property.
This wins simply for the Robotron 2012 reference. Love old school arcade games.
iKeepm webapp to inventory all your stuff. I haven’t tried it, but something like this could have some real promise.
Dale Wasserman: Look Always Forward. Fantastic line: “In last year’s nest, there are no birds this year.”
Mike Vardy: Best Way to Kick the Soda Pop Habit.
Friend from college and music guru, Rudy Grahn has put together his list of favorite albums of 2011.
John Rogers: Leverage #404 “The Van Gogh Job” I’ve gotten into the show Leverage over the past year (or maybe two), but even if you are not a fan, I’d encourage you to check out this post. John has some great thoughts on story writing and creation, and really, ultimately about the world views we hold on to (it’s a great companion piece to Donald Miller’s book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, but Rogers offers an amazing insight when he says:
“Every criticism is the tragic result of an unmet need.”
Good stuff to consider.
From Jesus Needs New PR: Choir Sings “Give Me Jesus” on a Plane. In my opinion it would have been better if they sang “Nearer My God to Thee” ; )
Mentalfloss: Who Wrote the Pledge of Allegiance?
Derek Webb: On Alcohol and Liberty – great thoughts about a difficult subject.
Lovett Weems: Will Mainline Denominations Get in Right in 2012?
Really interesting tool for ministry – The Church Online Platform – from Lifechurch.tv. I continue to be amazed on Craig Groshel and his team stove to extend their resources (for FREE!!!) to other congregations. If you are a pastor interested in online streaming, check this new resource out. (It also kills me to remember that Craig originally sought ordination in the United Methodist Church, but “the system” essentially kept him out because of the slow nature of the process and an unwillingness to embrace his vision of ministry).
Enrique Fiallo (vía Michael Hyatt’s blog): 10 Mistakes Leaders Should Avoid at All Costs.
Based on Rudy’s recommendation, I’m checking out the M83 album, here’s one of the songs off it…