Roundup – October 21

Some things that have caught my attention recently:

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Return of the Jedi – #1 At the end, Luke would put on Vader’s helmet and take control of the Empire. (Seriously!)

Tim O’Reilly: How I Failed

The Atlantic: Librarian Fired for Getting Kid to Read

Mashable: ‘Modern Day Snail Mail’ Project Bring Human Element Back to Texting. I love this idea, but I don’t know if I’ll every bring myself to try it.

Jason Micheli: Is Christian Nonviolence Unrealistic? Is it Un-Christian?

Everything is Samuel L. Jackson’s Fault:

Everything is Samuel L. Jackson’s Fault from Samuel L Jackson

Donald Miller: Why People Will or Won’t Remember You.

Seth Godin: Beyond Geography

The Atlantic: Malcolm Gladwell Admits to being a Troll.

Jeremy Smith: Abusers of Confidentiality and Ambiguity in the UMC

McSweeney’s: Christopher Robin Friend Requests the Residents of the Hundred Acre Wood.

Jamie the Very Worst Missionary: Better When

Had trouble finding music that really appealed to me, but this new one from Mazzy Star is pretty good: