“People were mean to you, but I always thought you were cool…”

Of interest from the past couple of weeks…

Fred Clark: Blade Runner, Terminator, Minority Report and the sabotage of the Postal Service.

WiseBread: 9 LinkedIn Changes Every Job Hunter Should Make.

The Atlantic: The War on Free School Breakfast.

Lifehacker: The Best Chrome Apps You Are (Probably) Not Using. I’m not a die-hard devotee of any particular web browser, but I do use chrome as my default – this is a pretty good list of tools you can use within your browser for doing things like editing audio, video and pictures; I haven’t personally tried them (other than the basic google apps), but the seems like they are worth checking out.

Gizmodo: The International Space Station has Ditched Windows for Linux. Like with browsers, I try not to be an OS snob (my old Macbook is set up to triple book Mac OS 10.6, Windows 8 and Ubuntu), but I think it is pretty cool the ISS is switching to Linux. (I’ve wondered about trying to do a custom Linux build, specific that would provide churches and nonprofits with a basic, easy to use OS that would be more cost effective for the low end, older computers churches typically use).

Related: This made the rounds a couple weeks ago, but it still awesome – Chris Hadfield singing David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” on the ISS:

More space-nerd stuff from Gizmodo: Barns Are Red Because of How Stars Explode.

Good: Bike Lanes Are Really Good for Local Businesses.

Jason Micheli: Clergy Robes and Anonymous Notes.

Jeremy Smith: UMReporter & Cokesbury – The Splintering of Methodism.

Lifehack.org: Download High Quality Vintage Posters. I’ve touched on my thoughts around intellectual property and public domain before, but I love sites like this, which not only highlight, but make public domain works easily accessible. Take a look, especially if you are in need of some office decoration (or even wallpaper for your computer desktop):

Adam Ericksen: God, a Tornado and John Pieper’s ‘Satanic Theology’.

One of my favorite bands of the recent years, The Mountain Goats, are coming to Detroit on June 12.
“You Were Cool”