this week’s round-up (july 27)

Not as much this week… here’s the rundown:

Jeremy Smith on Creative Commons, Lewis Center and Link Love. Like Jeremy I think Creative Commons is a good way to approach issues of copyright, and I use a similar license (the only difference is I allow for derivative works, but require the same license to be employed).

One of the things that typically flies under the radar of many people is that Zondervan Books operates under the News Corp. umbrella, run by Rupert Murdoch, who recently made headlines because of the scandal related to News of the World. Will Braun has an interesting article in the Geez Magazine blog abut the connection, as well as some interesting insights from Shane Claiborne about how he personally handles his connection to the company. (via Slactivist)

Slactivist (aka Fred Clark), also addresses Rick Warren’s tweet about taxes: To Whom Much Has Been Given.

Jay Voorhees: The Dilemma of Leading a Church in Decline.

Luke Burns: The Birthday Clown Consortium Price Guide. (Not church related, just something I found amusing).

From Andrew Conrad: Opportunity to Partner with Resurrection. Basically they are looking for 3 small membership congregations served by lay speakers or local pastors to become part of a multi-point circuit for a year. I think this is a REALLY interesting idea, and may be the future for maintaining some small-membership congregations, especially in isolated areas, and will be interested to see how this experiment works out.

Jen Lemen: How to be Happy (Part Four).

From the Father Apprentice blog: Conquer the In-Between State.

Michael Ratliff: Is the UMC really committed to young people’s ministries? (via Gavin Richardson).

Jeff Goins: Saying You Want to Write Verses Actually Writing. I am totally guilt of this.

I hope there is more to this story than the way it is being spun, but the apparent move in Wisconsin to require people to possess state-issued ID to vote and then close DMVs in 10 different locations seems very suspicious.

Kurt Boemler on 7 Suggestions for those Studying to be a Pastor. The first point about business and leadership training is important AND lacking in traditional seminary education as he points out; I’m really glad Garrett is now offering their MDiv+ program (but wish it wasn’t so expensive to alumni to participate). Also good points about mentoring (both in an official Board of Ordained Ministry capacity and more generally in terms of pastoral leadership).

Seth Godin: No Such Thing as Business Ethics.

I guess I’m still in a They Might Be Giants mindset, here’s a cover of Tubthumping they did for The Onion AV Club (PS TMBG – why must you be so cruel to have your concert in Detroit be on a Saturday night? Some of us have to work in the morning… this is only made more cruel by have Jonathan Coulton open for you):

They Might Be Giants covers Chumbawamba