this week’s round-up (march 30)

Fantastic post from Jay Voorhees that I needed to read this past week – Do United Methodists Believe in Hope?

On the topic of the United Methodist Church, check out Dan Dick’s A Church Shrouded in Mystery on the United Methodist identity crisis.

Another essential post from Donald Miller – What Kind of People Does God Use? Also see the follow-up, Ten Characteristics of a Disciple.

Mason Slater is Tired of Witch Hunts

Dallas Willard – The Problem with Vampire Christianity.

I unfortunately stumbled upon this last week. It creeps me out, but I’m fascinated by it’s very existence. You have been warned.

New Mountain Goats (All Eternals Deck) out this week – I haven’t given it a full listen yet, but so far it seems good. Here’s a few songs from NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert, John Darnielle did last year.