Playing catch-up again, but as I look at the list not a whole lot to report… here’s what’s caught my attention over the last few weeks.
Seth Godin on How to organize a retreat an advance. Also from Seth, Bigger or smaller, which contains this gem of wisdom:
“It’s so tempting to shut people down, to limit the upside, to ostracize, select and demonize. It makes things a lot simpler. Not seeing means you don’t have to take action. Not opening means it’s easier to announce that you’re done. And not raising the bar means you’re less likely to fail.”
Scot McKnight on A Christmas Pledge to Courtesy. He shares this powerful quote from Gina Dalfanzo:
“Christian courtesy is rooted and grounded in the idea that every person—however much we may dislike him or her—is made in the image of God and precious in his sight. It is an ideal that we may struggle to live up to, but the struggle makes us better people; it reminds us to show kindness when every impulse and instinct is urging us to do the opposite. It requires of us something deeper than a rally or a video, something more than the obligatory apology that follows most celebrity catfights. It’s a lifestyle that has to be consciously lived every day.”
In music news, for classic Celtic-punk fans, The Pogues are coming to town.