this week’s round-up (november 14)

Reflecting on the United Methodist Call to Action report, Jay Voorhees asks, What is Congregational Vitality?

Donald Miller on The Joy of Getting Older. I love this last paragraph:

I wish I could go back and talk to myself when I was twenty. I’d say to myself “listen, don’t worry about the things you’ve been worrying about. Everything is going to work out great.” And I’d likely clarify with myself that “In the future I get everything I need?” And I’d say back to myself “No, you just realize you didn’t need it. And that’s even better.”

Seth Godin on Why We Prefer Live. I had the chance to hear Jim Walker (pastor of Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community) and he made the comment that we live in a world where with a click of a button we can hear great preaching any time of any day. While the church needs to use social media to reach new people, we also have to offer the very thing you can’t get over the internet – face-to-face interactions, high-touch experiences, and the power that comes when people are gathered together in the same room.

I haven’t played with this, but it looks interesting – RedNotebook which is a wiki/journaling program (unfortunately Windows and Linux only). Also, via Lifehacker, 10 Things to Know about Photography Law.

Tough look at Detroit from Mother Jones (contains some objectionable language).

November 17 is National Unfriend Day… I’d already been thinking about paring down my Facebook friends, maybe this will be the time to do it.

Build your own home for $5000. Seems like an interesting project, probably not in my future (especially if I want to stay married).

I picked up the latest Eels album last week and have been enjoying it, Tomorrow Morning is the name of it available at all the usual places.