this week’s round-up (october 3)

Of interest this week:

Chuck DeGroat on a Rant Against Change. It’s worth reading, especially for bits like this:

Now, here’s the deal.  Families (=churches) are difficult.  They are, more often than not, dysfunctional.  Some families  are so dysfunctional that it would be a sin not to leave.  You leave abusive families.  But, you stay and honestly engage in the rest.  It may be difficult, but your own growth depends on it.

(via Scot McKnight)

Shareable’s list of recommended books.

The Eternally-Focused Church.

Kem Meyer on Changing Your M.O. for Better Results and Important Skills for Tech Stewards.

Donald Miller on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell the Church. (And though I was sad to have missed his recent Storyline conference, the good news is that he is offering it again in January).

Turns out David Byrne (great musician, ex-Talking Heads) was in town this week – (I knew I should have gone on that bike ride in Detroit!! Meeting/biking with Byrne would have nerd pleasure overload). Anyway he writes about his experience of the D here. Unfortunately Byrne’s take has a few too many image of ruin porn, and doesn’t have quite the same optimism of “Detroit Lives” videos celebrating what’s right instead of rehashing what the city is up against.

Brandon Cox on Repurposing Content for Maximum Impact. Great reminder not only of the many avenues churches can use to reach people through social media, but a good reminder that you don’t have to reprint entire sermons or full worship services – sometimes smaller “bites” can attract, entice, and move people.

The Daily Green reminds of the importance of local libraries with the reminder that they are a great way to save for people on a budget. Again, because I’m a big nerd, I LOVE libraries, and my current local one is especially awesome with a great selection of books + music and DVDs (including complete series of Dr. Who, Red Dwarf and even Sledge Hammer!!)

Taylor Burton-Edwards on United Methodist Metrics for Discipleship and Mission tough questions, but good ones.

Eugene Cho on the Questions about President Obama’s Faith.

Jay Vorhees apparently shares my concern that Glee (so far) isn’t as good as it was last year.

I was preaching on the parable of the Good Samaritan and stumbled upon this song which was especially appropriate for the week.

I’ve been in a very musical mood this week, so let’s also give some love to a band I’ve just discovered from Detroit – Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.