this week’s round-up (june 18)

More links, less commentary this week:

Mike Todd offers some pretty hard hitting thoughts on WWJD About BP? with the reminder that we all have oil on our hands.

Neighbors for Neighbors: Chalk it Up! Love this idea! (via Heif)

Presentation lessons from Steve Jobs.

Andrew Conrad explains the Internet #FAIL at Church of the Resurrection Online this week. Like the lesson from Jobs, transparency is good. If there is a problem, acknowledge it, solve it, and move on.

Seth Godin explains how we’ve moved past “slick” and what matters now is transparency, reputation, and guts.

More on clergy appointment guarantees. (via Steve)

Justin Wise on Mormons, iPads, and a New Way. Good thoughts on evangelism – first rule, treat the person you’re dealing with like a human being.

Small groups are the building block of small churches. The important reminder here for me is that small groups don’t always have to fit a certain model of a home “cell group” – sometimes just adding a new Sunday School class makes a difference.

Establishing a culture of distributed leadership good read, written from a secular perspective, but very applicable to the church. I just finished reading Ultimately Responsible: When You’re in Charge of Igniting a Ministry by Sue Nilson Kibbey which really takes this idea and examines it in depth – all about finding and training the right people for the mission and task of the church, making sure they understand and support the vision, and giving them an environment to succeed.

Jeff Nelson hits close to home this week’s offering – No Outlet.

Crazy week ahead. Don’t expect a round-up (but who knows, maybe you’ll be pleasantly surprised).

Another great video from OK Go

If you like the music, check out the album: