this week’s round-up (may 13)

Fairly slow week, in terms of stuff that caught my attention…

Lifehacker offered up their Top 10 Motivation Boosters and Procrastination Killers as well as a nice peek into a tiny office arrangement – that’s pretty relevant to me because my new digs are probably close to 1/2 the size of my current office, so utilizing space will be a priority (and I have no need for that triple monitor arrangement).

Adam Hamilton offered some brief thoughts on the 10 Largest Churches in the UMC. His note about worship attendance vs. membership is important, but I also appreciated how he explained that the membership-to-attendance ratio varies significantly between the churches. He doesn’t go into it, but I know the membership philosophies between Resurrection and Ginghamsburg are differ in some key ways, and I’d be interested to see Hamilton comment more on that.

Scot McKnight posted a quick comment regarding Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove’s book The Wisdom of Stability. As someone serving in a denomination that embraces itineracy rather than long-term stability it’s a question I wrestle with.

Wil Wheaton posted some thoughts today on the Space Shuttle launch. What hooked me was his mention that he was home sick the day of the Challenger disaster, and on that day I happened to be home sick, too. I also appreciated his comment at the end, where he says:

We humans are a flawed species, to put it mildly, and I think we could do a much better job taking care of our planet and each other … but when I see what we’re capable of doing, it gives me hope that the future I pretended to live in twenty years ago will actually arrive some day.

Thinking about the small office space thing in Lifehacker, made me think of this song: