Donald Miller continues to offer great insight – on his blog this week he asks a key question about how personality might influence theology. I’m not one to say he’s absolutely right (which, of course, is a reflection on my own personality and theology), but I think he is on to something. I remember reading something similar a few months ago about Pat Robertson’s understanding of a vengeful God, and after a little digging, it turns out Donald Miller wrote that one, too.
Miller’s other post that really got me thinking this week was on the topic of asking people to leave church – it’s a tough subject, especially in an environment when “success” in ministry is so driven by numbers; but there is something to be said for it. Sometimes having the wrong mix of people inhibits God’s work from being accomplished. In many ways we would be better served by adopting a “kingdom mindset” where instead of obsessing about numbers at any one particular church (or denomination), we celebrated the unique identities of many churches and helped people find the one that would be the best fit, but it’s a lot easier to say “yes we should do that” than it is to have that actual conversation with the person who might be better served by finding a new church home.
Thinking more about the “numbers dilemna” Jay Voorhees weighs in on the subject I continue to wrestle with (see last week’s post). I’m with Jay that there is more to growth than numbers, but like him I have to ask, when we make that case are we just deluding ourselves?
Some great, simple thoughts on leadership: It’s Hard to Lead When… by Perry Noble. For a longer lesson on leadership check out this look inside Pixar’s Leadership.
A brilliant, simple tutorial on the Missional Church – change the arrows, stop expecting people to come, instead equip them to go.
I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet, but I suspect Seth Godin’s talk from his April Linchpin Session is worth checking out.
I know this will hurt my nerd-cred to admit but I never figured out the Rubik’s Cube; I still have one at my parent’s house that I have yet to solve. Fortunately Lifehacker posted a link that will help solve this 25(?) year dilemna.
In personal news, it was announced this week that I’ll be appointed to the Byron United Methodist Church effective July 1. For any Byron-folk who happened to Google my name – Greetings! I’m looking forward to working with you soon.