Another year, another playlist…

+ a couple of other songs (to make the total of 36) that weren’t on playlist.com

“I was born in the season of quiet and cold…
Year of the Ox the 7 and 3, indeed, the history”
Happy Birthday, Mos Def.

A few notes on the playlist:
#6 I just put OK Computer back on my Mac recently I was struck by how powerfully I associate it with living in 213 E. Market in Iowa City (and for some strange reason, washing dishes in that old house).
#7, #14, #27, #31 What can I say – I am sucker for a good cover song. J. Colton’s take on “Baby Got Back” is particularly inspired.
#13 Had a chance to see Bruce this fall. I’m not a big fan of huge stadium shows, but I got to admit Bruce can bring it – it was a solid (and amazing) 3hr performance.